Thursday 29 June - treefarms, mattress, house design, Lacen Mtg, Raph dinner

Given that it is the end of the Australian financial year, we had to attend to the payment of the tree farm rents. We do this by having TUTI (our company which runs the tree farms) pay the land rents to our superannuation company which owns the land. The superannuation company then pays an equal size pension to me, which I then pay to TUTI as a repayment on loans that I have taken from TUTI over the years. All very neat and legal, but the payments must be done by June 30 each year, so today’s the day.

In the late morning, we went back to BUT in Castelsarrasin to pick up a mattress, now that we knew the required size and the fact that it had to be foam (and bendable) to get it into the barge through the limited dimension entrances (the wheelhouse stairs or down through the dogbox). When we got it home it was a tight fit, but we got it down the stairs from the wheelhouse to the galley.

In the afternoon, I worked on aspects of the house design for our new house in Taggerty. We have applied for Planning Permits, but Council has now asked for more information about access roads to the site through a neighbouring property. So I spent the afternoon, searching for Land Titles online to find more information about the easement for the access road.

In the evening we met up with Lacen (the guy who will be rendering the facade at the Rue Gambette house) to discuss facade colours, and introduced him to Raphael and Isobel. We then had dinner with Raph and his family.