Tuesday 14 May - leaving on a different Jet-Plane
In previous years, we had flown Singapore Airlines to Zurich (via Singapore) because we wanted to see Rita's family in Bern at either or both the start or end of the trip. However, given that we were staying in France longer this year, that would give opportunity to visit them sometime in the middle of the trip. Also, the drive to Moissac from Zurich or Bern was always a long trip, leaving us drained at the end. So this time, we decided to fly to Barcelona with Emirates Airlines (via Singapore and Dubai). This would leave us with a much shorter trip to and from Moissac; and the airfare to Barcelona was much cheaper than to Zurich. We also decided to fly such that we didn't arrive in France on a Weekend or Monday, when many of the shops and services you needed immediately would be closed. So, at the civilised hour of 6pm on Tuesday, we headed out of Melbourne on an Emirates Boeing 777-300. An unexpected bonus of leaving at this time was that Melbourne International Airport was virtually deserted, with no queues at the check-in counter, customs screening or passport control.