Tuesday 31 July - extricate Kanumbra from Buzet threesome, Damazan

We wanted to get out and do some cruising after all this time away from Kanumbra, so we were up relatively early (for us) to extract Kanumbra from the threesome. Pomme de Mer cast off first and waited behind us in midstream while we took Hilda May with us away from the bank. Pomme de Mer then moved inside us next to the bank, and we then re-attached Hilda May to Pomme de Mer (in all these manoeuvres, we were helped by Walt from Papillion; actually, he did all the work and I just watched for next time). Then we u-turned Kanumbra and headed for Damazan, while three others tried a similar shuffling manoeuvre in order to make way for an incoming barge.

We drag Hilda May out to midstream………………………………….....…. while Pomme de Mar ducks back inside us.

We tied up on the town side in Damazan behind a hire boat with an Oz flag. We later met Dave and Marg from WA, and told them about the Tuesday night party in town. Rita went swimming at the town lake while I blew out the generator inlet pipe, and then put the rungs on the gangplank and painted it. That night we went to the Night Market party with Laura and Donald, Evelyn and David, Walt and Gail, and Dave and Marg (with Kevin and Sara coming along later). A good night full of food, drink, talking, laughs and dancing. We were glad we were moored in Damazan and only had to walk down the hill to get home!