Sunday 12 June - more assignments, Reverie

Since the weather was still inclement, I decided to make the most of it by concentrating on getting as many assignments graded as possible, while still staying awake. I was moderately successful on both counts; I got some assignments graded but I did have to grab a nap in the afternoon, after another early morning rise.

In the late afternoon, I got a phone call on my mobile. I am always hesitant to answer such calls in France, because the caller might only speak French, and then what do I do? But it turned out to be another Melbournian, who owned the barge Reverie, to which Kanumbra has been doubled up all winter. He wanted to let me know that they had also just arrived in Moissac but were planning to leave port this week and would like to undouble, so that he can do some cleaning work on the side of his barge that has been facing Kanumbra all winter. We made an arrangement to get together in the morning to separate the Siamese twins.

Both Kanumbra and Reverie are Piper barges, so when tethered together, they do look a lot like twins, of different colours. They featured last week when the Moissac Tourism Bureau posted a montage on their Facebook page of the various barges in port at the moment. This was a nice indication of the good spirit that now exists between the Moissac Mairie and the Port and its barging fraternity. This was also demonstrated by the Bureau including all the events from the upcoming FĂȘte des Plaisanciers 2016 in their publicity brochure for their own Moissac FĂȘte le Tarn.