Saturday 18 May - cleaning the barge, using the wifi
Woke early with a tummy bug (probably the change in water) and spent the morning recovering, and hence missed live coverage of Hawks game. Overcast weather in Moissac with occasional rain. Went up to the hire car which was parked opposite the capitainerie (the only place out of the rain to get a good wifi signal) to check email. Saw that the Hawks had a big win over Greater Western Sydney (by 83 points) and the Dons went down to Brisbane. So, for the moment, the Hawks are top of the table!
Rita went up to the market to get some produce and see if any beanies were on sale (given the cooler than expected weather). She couldn’t find a beanie but bought a black fedora instead (not exactly warm, but will look good later in the summer). Put the bimini back on the rear of the barge (with the assistance of cable ties again), after it had been blown off during a storm over winter. We then spent the rest of the day cleaning the boat. Having painted the deck before leaving last year, it sure made it easier to clean this year.
An Aussie couple with their two small daughters came over to ask if Kanumbra would be in the Pentecote parade again this year. We explained the change in plans, then got to talking about barging with two small kids. They return to Oz at the end of this year so that the kids can start school, and hence will be selling their beautiful wooden cruiser (will bring that one to the attention of Shirley as well).
Finished boat cleaning then went up to the car with Rita to check email. I also checked footy scores and found that the Cats had lost to the Pies and so the Hawks stayed on top of the ladder. Also, while checking the speedway GP scores, found a live feed of the Czech GP on the Speedway website, so watched the rest of GP, won by Tai Woffinden after Emil Sayfutdinov touched the tapes in the final. We then went down to the carnival area to check out the preparation for the Pentecote Fete, but found it was just full of lights, noise, arcade games and rides. When it started to rain again, we decided to return home.