Monday 20 May - Pentecote Fete Parade day, Meryle & Helmut

We have explained our (non)participation in the Pentecote Parade this year elsewhere, and to be honest I was not disappointed as the day dawned with overcast skies and threatening weather. The Tarn River had also risen significantly overnight and the flow over the barrage was much more than last year. So, given the dramas of 2012, we were quite happy in the end to have someone else doing the ferrying of the Mayor and the Roserie.

To start the day, we were woken at 8am by loud fireworks blasts – we think these might have been the timing signals for the various Pentecote Fete events happening around town today. Up to the car to check emails, then back to the boat to respond to them. Rita was practicing her new pan tune for the Andy Narell workshop in the study, with the pan hung on the doorknobs of the cupboard and door - saves bringing a pan stand with us!

Later that morning, we went over to the capitainerie to give the bottle of Little River wine to Kaz and Iain. Met up with Peter Canney from Piglet, who had just arrived from Oz that morning. While Rita talked with Amanda, I was approached by Meryle (NZ) and Helmut (Germany), who said how much they enjoyed the Steelpan Festival in Marysville!!! What a small world. Meryle is the person we met at Damazan night market last year, and they went to the festival on Saturday afternoon on their way to meet her mum in Wangaratta.

In the afternoon, we moved Kanumbra up to double-moor outside Hilda May – not the most elegant of manoeuvres, but it gone done without hitting anything! At least we now have wifi without having to go sit in the car.

We then rode the two extra bikes up to the house and parked them in the hallway (narrowly avoiding Mr Gisbert who was lurking outside the rose garden!). We then watched the Montech tourist boat move up canal ready for the parade later in the day – not exactly an elegant boat, but since it could fit everyone on the same boat, it may be very practical.

Then back to the barge to await the arrival of the Pentecote barge with the guests on board. In the meantime, it poured with rain and the wind picked up. Given the water level rise on the Tarn, I was grateful that Kanumbra was not participating in the parade this year. The Montech barge came past in the rain with everyone on the one boat, then down though the locks in bright sunshine (after the top lock refused to work for quite some time, causing some very concerned looks between the VNF crew, the barge skipper and the Mayor's team).

Then a few quick circles on the Tarn while countering the flow, throw the wreath overboard, before running over it when it was unsighted in front of the barge (to the gasps of several in the crowd), before making fast at the dock.

Given the weather, we then retreated to Kanumbra to enjoy our newfound wifi freedom. Rita went to the Tarn and watched the fireworks at 11.30pm to wrap up the Pentecote Fete, while I retreated to a warm bed.