Friday 21 June - footy, exhausted SFR wifi allowance, more rain

Up with the sparrows, to catch up on outstanding emails and internet tasks, then do a few more assignments. Watched the first half of the Hawks-WestCoast game on my iPhone before I got a message from SFR saying I had used up 90% of my monthly 4GB allowance (downloading assignments and watching footy and speedway has caught up with me). Watched the second half on Rita’s iPhone. Hawks won by 20 points after a tight contest. Has rained most of the day so far (mid-afternoon). Poor Theresa; it started raining the moment she arrived in Montauban, and is scheduled to stop raining just after she gets on her return train on Monday – not much luck. The girls are going up to a concert in Moissac this afternoon, while I try to finish off my assignments. Told Kaz we will stay in port and hook up with their wifi again until most of our exams arrive by email, so that we don’t run out of allowance on our phones in the middle of downloading assignments.