Tuesday 23 July - Erika arrives, reading in the shade, BBQ, black belts
Another very warm day, but luckily our mooring had some shade all day. So I settled down on the bank to keep reading “The Untold History of the United States”, while the others went for swims and generally mucked about. In the afternoon, Erika (a Karate friend of Rita and Sarah) arrived and joined in the swimming. She then drove Albon back to Castelmoron to pick up his car. He had a BBQ in the car so we set that up on the dock for dinner. Erika decided to sleep on the rear deck of Kanumbra, and was rewarded with a beautiful view of the full moon from her bed. Feeling rather safe on the boat tonight with four karate black-belts on board (Erika, Rita, Sarah and Albon) and one humble orange-belt (Tony).