Wednesday 7 August - Cahors steelpans, On the Beach, guttering tradie
Awoke to a much cooler day, with some lingering showers. Rita headed off with Veronica to look at steel pans in Cahors, while I finished reading “On the Beach” and then got to work on the Pans on Fire brochure for the 2014 Tour. Cold and rainy in the afternoon, then the sun came out for sunset while we went for a walk up the canal, then the rain set in again. Purely by chance as we were walking, we saw the van of M. Bloch, the roofing and guttering tradie that our plumber had recommended to us. As we walk past his van, he emerged from the nearby house, so Rita asked him if he was M. Bloch (he was) and got a business card from him – what are the chances?