Friday 13 July - train to Moissac, triple-moored in Buzet, Trivia Night in port cafe

We took the train to Moissac from Aiguillon to pick up the car, which we will need for the trip to Switzerland, then back to Buzet Wine Cooperative to pick up some wine (ended up getting about 5 dozen, mostly for us and some for family and friends). While in Moissac, we met up again with John from Vetrouwen who had just done his ICC exam with Iain. So, our idea that we first had in Agen had started to come to fruition. Once back in Buzet, we went down the canal a way to empty the blackwater tanks and top up the batteries, did a u-turn and came back to Buzet, where we triple-moored alongside Hilda May and Mr Pip. Trivia night at the port cafe, where Rita and I came second.