Sun 3 Oct - windy, bimini detached, rain, Yahtzee, roof leaks, rice pudding

Overnight the wind had picked up and continued through the morning. When it died down, we realised that once again the bimini had been lifted off the wheelhouse roof, because the screws holding it onto the roof were really beyond their useful life. So we tied the bimini in place while we thought of a repair strategy and waited for the rain to ease during the afternoon. That evening we were playing Yahtzee at the wheelhouse table, when I noticed that I was getting wet from water dripping through the roof, where the bimini screw-holes were now empty. So I hung a bucket under the leaks, and continued playing. Our evening was brightened by a knock on the door and found Kathy holding a warm rice pudding, which she had made to cheer us up!